Off Grid Solar Systems

Independence from the National Grid

Energy Independence

If you’re looking for a green energy solution that allows you to generate and store electricity free from the National grid and the control of your Electricity provider then an Off grid system is your perfect solution

With energy prices constantly rising and the outlay cost to provide a new Electricity company service connection being cost prohibitive, an Off Grid Solar/ Battery storage system will enable you to be totally independent from the National Grid and essentially “Charge free”

Having a self generating stand alone system ultimately puts you in ful control of your own Electricity supply with free energy.

Off Grid Solar Systems

Off Grid systems are particularly beneficial in Rural or remote locations or where there is no National Grid connection due to the distance and expense to install power cables from the nearest Grid connection point.

In these locations even if there is an existing Electricity service connection more often than not they can be unreliable, frequently lose power and are susceptible to blackouts.